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Migrating from v6 to v7

First, execute npx @comet/upgrade@latest v7 in the root of your project. It automatically installs the new versions of all @comet libraries, runs an ESLint autofix and handles some of the necessary renames.

Changes handled by @comet/upgrade
  • Disabling GraphQL field suggestions
  • Importing the types of @comet/admin-theme in vendors.d.ts
  • Replacing the Roboto font with Roboto Flex


Remove unnecessary dependencies

The following dependencies used to be peer dependencies of Comet. They are no longer required. You can remove them if you don't use them in your project:

  • @aws-sdk/client-s3
  • @azure/storage-blob
  • pg-error-constants

Upgrade @mikro-orm/core, @mikro-orm/migrations, and @mikro-orm/postgresql

The minimum supported version for these packages is now v5.8.4.

Provide strategyName in createStaticCredentialsBasicStrategy

Make sure to use a meaningful strategy name as this name can be used to identify the user when using this strategy more than once. Do not forget to add the strategy to the App Guard.

password: "xxxxx",
+ strategyName: "system-user",
provide: APP_GUARD,
- useClass: createCometAuthGuard(["static-credentials-basic", "..."]),
+ useClass: createCometAuthGuard(["system-user", "..."]),
useFactory: (...) => ({
+ systemUsers: ["system-user"],

Remove language field from User

// static-users.ts

export const staticUsers = {
admin: {
id: "3b09cc12-c7e6-4d16-b858-40a822f2c548",
name: "Admin",
email: "",
- language: "en",
// ...
} satisfies Record<string, User>;

Remove @PublicApi() and rename @DisableGlobalGuard()

Replace all usages of @PublicApi() and @DisableGlobalGuard() with @DisableCometGuards(). Use this occasion to check if all operations decorated with this decorator should actually be public and don't return any confidential data.

- @PublicApi()
+ @DisableCometGuards()
- @DisableGlobalGuard()
+ @DisableCometGuards()

Support dependency injection in BlockData#transformToPlain

  1. Remove dynamic registration of BlocksModule:

    // In api/src/app.module.ts
    - BlocksModule.forRoot({
    - imports: [PagesModule],
    - useFactory: (pageTreeService: PageTreeService, filesService: FilesService, imagesService: ImagesService) => {
    - return {
    - transformerDependencies: {
    - pageTreeService,
    - filesService,
    - imagesService,
    - },
    - };
    - },
    - inject: [PageTreeService, FilesService, ImagesService],
    - }),
    + BlocksModule,
  2. Pass moduleRef to BlocksTransformerMiddlewareFactory instead of dependencies

    // In api/src/app.module.ts
    - useFactory: (dependencies: Record<string, unknown>) => ({
    + useFactory: (moduleRef: ModuleRef) => ({
    buildSchemaOptions: {
    - fieldMiddleware: [BlocksTransformerMiddlewareFactory.create(dependencies)],
    + fieldMiddleware: [BlocksTransformerMiddlewareFactory.create(moduleRef)],
    + inject: [ModuleRef],
  3. Remove dependencies from BlockData#transformToPlain calls:

    class NewsLinkBlockData {
    - transformToPlain(dependencies: TransformDependencies, context: BlockContext)
    + transformToPlain(context: BlockContext)
  4. Convert existing BlockData#transformToPlain calls to new technqiue. This is only necessary if you have blocks that load additional data in tranformToPlain:


    // news-link.block.ts

    class NewsLinkBlockData extends BlockData {
    @BlockField({ nullable: true })
    id?: string;

    // Poor man's dependency injection using dependencies object
    transformToPlain({ newsRepository }: { newsRepository: EntityRepository<News> }) {
    if (! {
    return {};

    const news = await newsRepository.findOneOrFail(;

    return {
    news: {
    slug: news.slug,


    // news-link.block.ts
    class NewsLinkBlockData extends BlockData {
    @BlockField({ nullable: true })
    id?: string;

    transformToPlain() {
    // Return service that does the transformation
    return NewsLinkBlockTransformerService;

    type TransformResponse = {
    news?: {
    id: string;
    slug: string;

    // news-link-block-transformer.service.ts
    class NewsLinkBlockTransformerService
    implements BlockTransformerServiceInterface<NewsLinkBlockData, TransformResponse>
    // Use dependency injection here
    constructor(@InjectRepository(News) private readonly repository: EntityRepository<News>) {}

    async transformToPlain(block: NewsLinkBlockData, context: BlockContext) {
    if (! {
    return {};

    const news = await this.repository.findOneOrFail(;

    return {
    news: {
    slug: news.slug,

Remove CDN config from DAM

// app.module.ts

damConfig: {
- filesBaseUrl: `${config.apiUrl}/dam/files`,
- imagesBaseUrl: `${config.apiUrl}/dam/images`,
+ apiUrl: config.apiUrl,
// ...

How to migrate (only required if CDN is used):

Remove the following env vars from the API



If you want to enable the origin check:

  1. Set the following env vars for the API

    // .env

    + CDN_ORIGIN_CHECK_SECRET="Use value from DAM_CDN_ORIGIN_HEADER to avoid downtime"


    // environment-variables.ts

    + @IsString()
    + @ValidateIf(() => process.env.NODE_ENV === "production")
    // config.ts

    + cdn: {
    + originCheckSecret: envVars.CDN_ORIGIN_CHECK_SECRET,
    + },
  2. Add CdnGuard

    // main.ts

    + // if CDN is enabled, make sure all traffic is either coming from the CDN or internal sources
    + if (config.cdn.originCheckSecret) {
    + app.useGlobalGuards(new CdnGuard({ headerName: "x-cdn-origin-check", headerValue: config.cdn.originCheckSecret }));
    + }
  3. Adjust site/server.js

// site/server.js

- const cdnEnabled = process.env.CDN_ENABLED === "true";
- const disableCdnOriginHeaderCheck = process.env.DISABLE_CDN_ORIGIN_HEADER_CHECK === "true";
- const cdnOriginHeader = process.env.CDN_ORIGIN_HEADER;
+ const cdnOriginCheckSecret = process.env.CDN_ORIGIN_CHECK_SECRET;

// ...

- if (cdnEnabled && !disableCdnOriginHeaderCheck) {
- const incomingCdnOriginHeader = req.headers["x-cdn-origin-check"];
- if (cdnOriginHeader !== incomingCdnOriginHeader) {
+ if (cdnOriginCheckSecret) {
+ if (req.headers["x-cdn-origin-check"] !== cdnOriginCheckSecret) {
  1. DNS changes might be required. should point to CDN, CDN should point to internal API domain

API Generator: Remove support for visible boolean, use status enum instead

Replace the visible boolean field with a status enum field. Recommended enum values are (depending on the use case):

  • Published/Unpublished
  • Published/Unpublished/Archived
  • Published/Unpublished/Deleted
  • Active/Deleted
  • Active/Archived

The update{Entity}Visibility mutation is also removed. Use the generic update{Entity} mutation instead.

API Generator: Remove generated services

The API Generator no longer generates the service with getFindCondition. Remove all previously generated services from the module definitions. For example:

import { NewsResolver } from "./generated/news.resolver";
- import { NewsService } from "./generated/news.service";

imports: [MikroOrmModule.forFeature([News])],
providers: [
- NewsService,
export class NewsModule {}

Rename public uploads

The PublicUploadModule was renamed to FileUploadsModule.


The public uploads module was unintentionally added to the Starter. If you don't use the feature in your application, remove the module instead.

This requires the following changes:

  • In comet-config.json rename publicUploads to fileUploads.

    - "publicUploads": {
    + "fileUploads": {
    "maxFileSize": 15
  • In app.module.ts change the import from PublicUploadModule to FileUploadsModule.

    - PublicUploadModule.register({
    + FileUploadsModule.register({
    - maxFileSize: config.publicUploads.maxFileSize,
    - directory: `${config.blob.storageDirectoryPrefix}-public-uploads`,
    + maxFileSize: config.fileUploads.maxFileSize,
    + directory: `${config.blob.storageDirectoryPrefix}-file-uploads`,
  • Change all usages of the PublicUpload entity to FileUpload.

  • Change all usages of the PublicUploadsService to FileUploadsService.

  • In the site or the Admin change the upload URL from /public-upload/files/upload to /file-uploads/upload.

Make file uploads upload endpoint public

The /file-uploads/upload endpoint now requires the fileUploads permission by default. If necessary (e.g., a file upload in the site), make the endpoint public:

/* ... */,
+ upload: {
+ public: true,
+ },

Remove usages of download or FileUploadService

Use createFileUploadInputFromUrl instead:

- import { FileUploadService } from "@comet/cms-api";
+ import { createFileUploadInputFromUrl } from "@comet/cms-api";

export class SvgImageFileFixtureService {
private readonly filesService: FilesService,
- private readonly fileUploadService: FileUploadService,
) {}

async generateImage(scope: DamScope): Promise<FileInterface> {
- const file = await this.fileUploadService.createFileUploadInputFromUrl(
+ const file = await createFileUploadInputFromUrl(

Rename defaultDamAcceptedMimetypes to damDefaultAcceptedMimetypes

- defaultDamAcceptedMimetypes
+ damDefaultAcceptedMimetypes

Replace additionalMimeTypes and overrideAcceptedMimeTypes in DamModule#damConfig with acceptedMimeTypes

Instead of using overrideAcceptedMimeTypes, you can now override mime types like this:

damConfig: {
acceptedMimeTypes: ["something-mimetype"],

Instead of using additionalMimeTypes, you can add additional mime types like this:

damConfig: {
acceptedMimeTypes: [...damDefaultAcceptedMimetypes, "something-else"],

Rename DateFilter to DateTimeFilter

  1. Change import
- import { DateFilter } from "@comet/cms-api";
+ import { DateTimeFilter } from "@comet/cms-api";
  1. Re-run API Generator.

Import YouTubeVideoBlock from @comet/cms-api package

- import { YouTubeVideoBlock } from "@comet/blocks-api";
+ import { YouTubeVideoBlock } from "@comet/cms-api";

Replace graphql-type-json with graphql-scalars

  1. Install graphql-scalars: npm install graphql-scalars

  2. Uninstall graphql-type-json: npm uninstall graphql-type-json

  3. Update imports:

    - import { GraphQLJSONObject } from "graphql-type-json";
    + import { GraphQLJSONObject } from "graphql-scalars";

Change arguments of filtersToMikroOrmQuery

The second argument (applyFilter callback) was moved into an options object:

- filtersToMikroOrmQuery(f, (acc, filterValue, filterKey) => {}),
+ filtersToMikroOrmQuery(f, { applyFilter: (acc, filterValue, filterKey) => {} }),


Remove axios dependency

axios used to be a peer dependency of Comet. It's no longer required, so you can remove axios if you don't use it in your project.

Remove the @mui/styles package

The legacy @mui/styles package was removed in favor of @mui/material/styles. You must remove @mui/styles from your project too:


- "@mui/styles": "^5.8.6",

This has multiple implications:

  • Comet Admin components can now be styled using MUI's sx prop
  • Individual elements (slots) of a component can now be styled using the slotProps and sx props
  • The $ syntax in the theme's styleOverrides is no longer supported, see: MUI Docs:
 const theme = createCometTheme({
components: {
CometAdminMyComponent: {
styleOverrides: {
- root: {
- "&$hasShadow": {
- boxShadow: "2px 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)",
- },
- "& $header": {
- backgroundColor: "lime",
- },
- },
+ hasShadow: {
+ boxShadow: "2px 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)",
+ },
+ header: {
+ backgroundColor: "lime",
+ },
  • Overriding a component's styles using withStyles is no longer supported. Use the sx and slotProps props instead:
-import { withStyles } from "@mui/styles";
-const StyledMyComponent = withStyles({
- root: {
- backgroundColor: "lime",
- },
- header: {
- backgroundColor: "fuchsia",
- },
-// ...
-<StyledMyComponent title="Hello World" />;
+ title="Hello World"
+ sx={{
+ backgroundColor: "lime",
+ }}
+ slotProps={{
+ header: {
+ sx: {
+ backgroundColor: "fuchsia",
+ },
+ },
+ }}
  • The module augmentation for the DefaultTheme type from @mui/styles/defaultTheme is no longer needed and needs to be removed from the admins theme file, usually located in admin/src/theme.ts:
-declare module "@mui/styles/defaultTheme" {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
- export interface DefaultTheme extends Theme {}
  • Some props and class keys of certain components were removed or renamed
Expand for details
  • Alert: Remove the message class key (use .MuiAlert-message instead)
  • AppHeaderButton: Remove class keys disabled and focusVisible (use the :disabled or :focus selectors instead)
  • AppHeaderButton: Rename the inner class key to content
  • AppHeaderDropdown: Remove the popoverPaper class key
  • AppHeaderDropdown: Replace popoverProps with slotProps.popover
  • AppHeaderDropdown: Rename the popoverRoot class key to popover
  • ClearInputButton: Remove the disabled class key (use the :disabled selector instead)
  • CopyToClipboardButton: Remove components prop. Use copyIcon and successIcon instead
  • CopyToClipboardButton: Replace componentProps with slotProps
  • FieldSet: Replace componentsProps with slotProps
  • FinalFormSelect: Remove the endAdornment prop
  • InputWithPopper: Replace componentsProps with slotProps
  • Menu: Replace temporaryDrawerProps, permanentDrawerProps, temporaryDrawerPaperProps and permanentDrawerPaperProps props (use slotProps instead)
  • Menu: Rename permanent class key to permanentDrawer and temporary class key to temporaryDrawer
  • MenuCollapsibleItem: Remove the listItem class key
  • MenuCollapsibleItem: Replace openedIcon and closedIcon props with iconMapping
  • MenuItem: No longer supports props of ListItem. Instead supports the props of ListItemButton

Rearrange components in App.tsx

  • ErrorDialogHandler must be beneath MuiThemeProvider and IntlProvider
  • CurrentUserProvider must be beneath or parallel to ErrorDialogHandler

The resulting order should look something like this:

// ...
<IntlProvider locale="en" messages={getMessages()}>
// ...
<MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>
// ...
<ErrorDialogHandler />
// ...

Rename previewUrl prop of SiteConfig

The previewUrl prop of SiteConfig was renamed to blockPreviewBaseUrl.

- previewUrl = `${siteConfig.previewUrl}/page`;
+ previewUrl = `${siteConfig.blockPreviewBaseUrl}/page`;

Change the structure of MasterMenuData

  • You must add an icon to all top level menu items

  • You must add a type to all items. There are four types available:

    • route

      + type: "route",
      primary: <FormattedMessage id="menu.dashboard" defaultMessage="Dashboard" />,
      icon: <DashboardIcon />,
      route: {
      path: "/dashboard",
      component: Dashboard,
    • externalLink

      + type: "externalLink",
      primary: <FormattedMessage id="menu.cometDxp" defaultMessage="COMET DXP" />,
      icon: <Snips />,
      href: "",
    • collapsible

      + type: "collapsible",
      primary: <FormattedMessage id="menu.structuredContent" defaultMessage="Structured Content" />,
      icon: <Data />,
      - submenu: [
      + items: [
      // ...
    • group (new)

      + type: "group",
      + title: <FormattedMessage id="menu.products" defaultMessage="Products" />,
      + items: [
      + // ...
      + ]

New Content Scope Picker

The content scope controls were changed to display all available combinations in a single select. This requires a few changes:

  1. Change the values prop of ContentScopeProvider to an array:


    const values: ContentScopeValues<ContentScope> = {
    domain: [
    { label: "Main", value: "main" },
    { label: "Secondary", value: "secondary" },
    language: [
    { label: "English", value: "en" },
    { label: "German", value: "de" },


    const values: ContentScopeValues<ContentScope> = [
    domain: { label: "Main", value: "main" },
    language: { label: "English", value: "en" },
    domain: { label: "Main", value: "main" },
    language: { label: "German", value: "de" },
    domain: { label: "Secondary", value: "secondary" },
    language: { label: "English", value: "en" },
  2. The config prop of ContentScopeControls has been removed. You can use the props searchable, groupBy, and icon instead. You may also remove the convenience wrapper defined in the application as it doesn't offer a real benefit anymore:

    - import { ContentScopeControls as ContentScopeControlsLibrary } from "@comet/cms-admin";

    - export const ContentScopeControls: React.FC = () => {
    - return <ContentScopeControlsLibrary<ContentScope> config={controlsConfig} />;
    - };
    + import { ContentScopeControls } from "@comet/cms-admin";

New Toolbar

The Toolbar was reworked. Now there are three Toolbar components:

  • Toolbar
  • StackToolbar
  • DataGridToolbar

Following steps are necessary to correctly use the new Toolbar:

  1. If your project has a custom ContentScopeIndicator, remove it

    - admin/src/common/ContentScopeIndicator.tsx

    Instead, the ContentScopeIndicator exported by @comet/cms-admin should be used.

  2. Grid: Use the DataGridToolbar in DataGrids


    // NewsGrid.tsx

    function NewsToolbar(): React.ReactElement {
    // ...

    return (
    - <Toolbar>
    + <DataGridToolbar>
    // ...
    - </Toolbar>
    + </DataGridToolbar>

    // ...

    return (
    // ...
    Toolbar: NewsToolbar,
  3. Page: Add a StackToolbar to all StackPages containing a DataGrid:


    // NewsPage.tsx

    export default function NewsPage(): JSX.Element {
    const intl = useIntl();

    return (
    <Stack topLevelTitle={intl.formatMessage({ id: "", defaultMessage: "News" })}>
    <StackSwitch initialPage="grid">
    <StackPage name="grid">
    + <StackToolbar scopeIndicator={<ContentScopeIndicator />} />
    <NewsGrid />
    // ...
  4. Page: Correctly configure the ContentScopeIndicator

    There are three cases:

    1. The entity uses the normal ContentScope

      Do nothing. The ContentScopeIndicator uses the scope provided by useContentScope() by default.

    2. The entity has a custom Scope

      Pass the custom scope:

      <ContentScopeIndicator scope={customScope} />
    3. The entity has no scope

      Mark the page as global:

      <ContentScopeIndicator global />
  5. Form: Remove the EditPageLayout


    // NewsForm.tsx

    function NewsForm({ id, mode }: NewsFormProps): JSX.Element {
    // ...

    return (
    - <EditPageLayout>
    + <>
    // ...
    - </EditPageLayout>
    + </>
  6. Form: Add a ContentScopeIndicator to the Toolbar

    Configure the ContentScopeIndicator the same way as the one in the page (see step 3).


    // NewsForm.tsx

    function NewsForm({ id, mode }: NewsFormProps): JSX.Element {
    // ...

    return (
    // ...
    - <Toolbar>
    + <Toolbar scopeIndicator={<ContentScopeIndicator />}>
    // ...
    // ...

Remove EditPageLayout

You can completely remove EditPageLayout from your application.

Instead, use MainContent to wrap all your page content except the Toolbar. If needed, wrap MainContent and Toolbar in a fragment.


- <EditPageLayout>
+ <>
// ...
- <div>
+ <MainContent>
// ...
- </div>
+ </MainContent>
- </EditPageLayout>
+ </>

Replace additionalMimeTypes and overrideAcceptedMimeTypes in DamConfigProvider with acceptedMimeTypes

Instead of using overrideAcceptedMimeTypes, you can now override mime types like this:

acceptedMimeTypes: ["something-mimetype"],
{/* ... */}

Instead of using additionalMimeTypes, you can add additional mime types like this:

acceptedMimeTypes: [...damDefaultAcceptedMimetypes, "something-else"],
{/* ... */}

Note: The accepted mime types must be identical to the ones passed to DamModule#damConfig in the API

Import YouTubeVideoBlock from @comet/cms-admin package

- import { YouTubeVideoBlock } from "@comet/blocks-admin";
+ import { YouTubeVideoBlock } from "@comet/cms-admin";

Remove aspectRatio from YouTubeVideoBlock

Previously, the YouTubeVideoBlock had a built-in aspect ratio select. This proved to be too inflexible and was removed.

Instead, the aspect ratio should be defined in the application, e.g. in a surrounding MediaBlock.

Remove SplitButton and FinalFormSaveSplitButton

We decided to retire the SplitButton pattern. Therefore, SplitButton and FinalFormSaveSplitButton are deprecated and should be removed from the project.

Use a regular SaveButton or FinalFormSaveButton instead.


Chip theme rework

If you use MUI's Chip anywhere in your project, check if the styling still looks as intended.

Typography theme rework

All variants of Typography were reworked. Check if the styling still looks as intended in your application.


Colors in all palettes were changed. The most notable changes are

  • The grey palette (neutrals) was completely reworked. Almost all color values changed
  • The secondary palette is now grey instead of green

Check if the styling still looks as intended in your application.


Prop renames and removals

Expand for details
  • ColorPicker: Replace componentsProps with slotProps
  • ColorPicker: Remove the clearable prop. The clear button will be shown automatically for optional fields


Change the value type

The value returned by DatePicker and DateRangePicker is now a string (previously it was a Date).

The code that handles values from these components needs to be adjusted. This may include how the values are stored in or sent to the database.

Required Admin Changes:

-   const [date, setDate] = useState<Date | undefined>(new Date("2024-03-10"));
+ const [date, setDate] = useState<string | undefined>("2024-03-10");
return <DatePicker value={date} onChange={setDate} />;
    const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState<DateRange | undefined>({
- start: new Date("2024-03-10"),
- end: new Date("2024-03-16"),
+ start: "2024-03-10",
+ end: "2024-03-16",
return <DateRangePicker value={dateRange} onChange={setDateRange} />;

Prop renames and removals

Expand for details
  • DatePicker:

    • Replace the componentsProps prop with slotProps
    • Remove the DatePickerComponentsProps type
    • Remove the clearable prop. The clear button will be shown automatically for all optional fields.
  • DateRangePicker:

    • Replace the componentsProps prop with slotProps
    • Remove the DateRangePickerComponentsProps type
    • Rename the calendar class-key to dateRange
    • Remove the clearable prop. The clear button will be shown automatically for all optional fields.
  • DateTimePicker:

    • Replace the componentsProps prop with slotProps
    • Remove the DateTimePickerComponentsProps type
    • Replace the formControl class-key with two separate class-keys: dateFormControl and timeFormControl
    • Remove the clearable prop. The clear button will be shown automatically for all optional fields.
  • TimePicker:

    • Remove the clearable prop. The clear button will be shown automatically for all optional fields.
  • TimeRangePicker:

    • Replace the componentsProps prop with slotProps
    • Remove the TimeRangePickerComponentsProps and TimeRangePickerIndividualPickerProps types
    • Replace the formControl class-key with two separate class-keys: startFormControl and endFormControl
    • Replace the timePicker class-key with two separate class-keys: startTimePicker and endTimePicker
    • Remove the clearable prop. The clear button will be shown automatically for all optional fields.


Major dependency upgrades

You must upgrade

Make sure to upgrade to Next 14.2.0 or later. Enable optimizePackageImports for @comet/cms-site in next.config.js:

const nextConfig = {
/* ... */
+ experimental: {
+ optimizePackageImports: ["@comet/cms-site"],
+ },

module.exports = withBundleAnalyzer(nextConfig);

Add a custom InternalLinkBlock

The InternalLinkBlock provided by @comet/cms-site is deprecated. Instead, implement your own InternalLinkBlock. This is needed for more flexibility, e.g., support for internationalized routing.

All link blocks in @comet/cms-site now render a child <a> tag by default to align with the new behavior of the Next Link component, which is used by InternalLinkBlock. For existing projects, add the legacyBehavior prop to all library link block usages to use the old behavior, where the <a> tag is defined in the application. For example:

const supportedBlocks: SupportedBlocks = {
internal: ({ children, title, ...props }) => (
+ legacyBehavior
external: ({ children, title, ...props }) => (
+ legacyBehavior
/* Other link blocks */

export const LinkBlock = withPreview(
({ data, children }: LinkBlockProps) => {
return (
<OneOfBlock data={data} supportedBlocks={supportedBlocks}>
{ label: "Link" },

New projects shouldn't use the legacy behavior. Instead, add support to pass the className prop through to the LinkBlock an its child blocks. See this PR for an example.

Add aspectRatio to PixelImageBlock, Image and YouTubeVideoBlock

Previously, there was a default aspect ratio of 16x9. This has repeatedly led to incorrectly displayed images.

Now aspectRatio is required and must be added to PixelImageBlock, Image and YouTubeVideoBlock. Consider which aspect ratio should be used.


+ aspectRatio="16x9"

Remove layout prop from PixelImageBlock

Remove the layout prop from the block as it can lead to errors with the default implementation (layout="responsive" is not compatible with the new fill prop).

  • layout={"responsive" | "inherit"} can safely be removed

    - layout={"responsive"} // line is marked as deprecated, but "responsive" must be removed
  • layout={"fill"} can be replaced with fill={true}

    - layout={"fill"}
    + fill


The PixelImageBlock is usually wrapped in a DamImageBlock in the application. The layout prop should be removed from it as well.

You can use the newly added fill prop of the next/image component by embedding the PixelImageBlock in a parent element that assigns the position style. See the docs for more information.

Switch to Next.js Preview Mode

Requires following changes to site:

Import useRouter from next/router (not exported from @comet/cms-site anymore)

- import { useRouter } from "@comet/cms-site";
+ import { useRouter } from "next/router";

Import Link from next/link (not exported from @comet/cms-site anymore)

- import { Link } from "@comet/cms-site";
+ import Link from "next/link";

Remove the preview pages (pages in src/pages/preview/ directory which call createGetUniversalProps with preview parameters).

rm -rf src/pages/preview/

Remove createGetUniversalProps from the "normal" pages:

- export function createGetUniversalProps({
- includeInvisibleBlocks = false,
- includeInvisiblePages = false,
- previewDamUrls = false,
- }: CreateGetUniversalPropsOptions = {}) {
- /* ... */
- }

Instead, implement getStaticProps (Preview Mode will automatically switch to SSR). Use previewData from context to configure the GraphQL Client:

+ import { ParsedUrlQuery } from "querystring";
+ import { SitePreviewParams } from "@comet/cms-site";

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<
+ ParsedUrlQuery,
+ SitePreviewParams
> = async (
) => {
+ const { scope, previewData } = context.previewData ?? {
+ scope: { domain, language: context.locale ?? defaultLanguage },
+ previewData: undefined,
+ };

const client = createGraphQLClient({
+ includeInvisiblePages: context.preview,
+ includeInvisibleBlocks: previewData?.includeInvisible,
+ previewDamUrls: context.preview,

/* ... */

Add the SitePreviewProvider to App (typically in src/pages/

function CustomApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
const router = useRouter();

return (
{/* ... */}
- <Component {...pageProps} />
+ {router.isPreview ? (
+ <SitePreviewProvider>
+ <Component {...pageProps} />
+ </SitePreviewProvider>
+ ) : (
+ <Component {...pageProps} />
+ )}

Add an API Route to enable the preview mode. Must be the same as in siteConfig.sitePreviewApiUrl (default: ${siteConfig.url}/api/site-preview):

// In pages/api/
import { legacyPagesRouterSitePreviewApiHandler } from "@comet/cms-site";
import createGraphQLClient from "@src/util/createGraphQLClient";
import { NextApiHandler } from "next";

const SitePreviewApiHandler: NextApiHandler = async (req, res) => {
await legacyPagesRouterSitePreviewApiHandler(req, res, createGraphQLClient());

export default SitePreviewApiHandler;

Implement previewImage for YouTubeVideoBlock and DamVideoBlock

YouTubeVideoBlock and DamVideoBlock now support a preview image. If you are not using the YouTubeVideoBlock and DamVideoBlock provided by @comet/cms-site, you should

  • either switch to the @comet/cms-site implementation
  • or implement the preview image in your project

Otherwise, the admin interface will confuse users.


Ban icon imports from @mui/icons-material

Icons used in Comet DXP applications should match the Comet CI. Use icons from @comet/admin-icons instead.


Unnecessary fragments in JSX are now banned.


It's now mandatory to initialize enums:

enum ExampleEnum {
- One,
- Two,
+ One = "One",
+ Two = "Two",