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Predefined pages

Certain pages in the page tree are not typical content pages. An example of this would be a news page that is automatically generated from structured data. In Comet, we call such pages "Predefined pages".

Basic idea

Predefined pages are implemented using a dedicated document type in the page tree. This document type has a single type field. The type represents the predefined page that should be rendered. For instance, if the type "News" is selected in the Admin, the news page should be rendered at the corresponding position in the page tree.

Adding predefined pages to a project

This section shows the changes necessary to support predefined pages in a Comet project.


This guide uses news as an example of structured data. The implementation of the news in the project is not covered here. Have a look at the implementation in the Demo project: API, Admin, Site.


The following steps are required in the API:

  1. Creation of the predefined pages module
  2. Creation of the migration
  3. Registration of the PredefinedPagesModule
  4. Registration of the PredefinedPage document type

Creation of the predefined pages module

Create the module in src/documents/predefined-pages. To do this, copy the corresponding folder from the Demo project. The following files should be copied:

  • predefined-pages.module.ts: The module
  • predefined-pages.resolver.ts: The GraphQL resolver with the required operations
  • entities/predefined-page.entity.ts: The entity
  • dto/predefined-page.input.ts: The input

Creation of the migration

Execute the command npm --prefix api run mikro-orm:migration:generate to create a migration for the new entity. Ensure the database is running (npx dev-pm start docker). The created migration should look like this:

import { Migration } from "@mikro-orm/migrations";

export class Migration20220701145254 extends Migration {
async up(): Promise<void> {
'create table "PredefinedPage" ("id" uuid not null, "createdAt" timestamp with time zone not null, "updatedAt" timestamp with time zone not null, "type" text null);',
'alter table "PredefinedPage" add constraint "PredefinedPage_pkey" primary key ("id");',

Registration of the PredefinedPagesModule

Register the newly created PredefinedPagesModule in the AppModule:

+ import { PredefinedPagesModule } from "./documents/predefined-pages/predefined-pages.module";

export class AppModule {
static forRoot(config: Config): DynamicModule {
return {
module: AppModule,
imports: [
/* ... */,
+ PredefinedPagesModule,

Registration of the PredefinedPage document type

Register the newly created PredefinedPage document type in the PageTreeModule:

+ import { PredefinedPage } from "./documents/predefined-pages/entities/predefined-page.entity";
import { PredefinedPagesModule } from "./documents/predefined-pages/predefined-pages.module";

export class AppModule {
static forRoot(config: Config): DynamicModule {
return {
module: AppModule,
imports: [
/* ... */,
PageTreeNode: PageTreeNode,
Documents: [
+ PredefinedPage
Scope: PageTreeNodeScope,


The following steps are required in the Admin:

  1. Creation of the predefined pages module
  2. Registration of the PredefinedPage document type

Creation of the predefined pages module

Create the module in src/documents/predefinedPages. To do this, copy the corresponding folder from the Demo project. The following files should be copied:

  • EditPredefinedPage.tsx: The editing component
  • EditPredefinedPage.gql.ts: The GraphQL operations for the edit component
  • PredefinedPage.tsx: The document type
  • PredefinedPageLabels: The labels for the predefined page types

Registration of the PredefinedPage document type

Add the newly created document type to the page tree document types:

import { Link } from "@src/documents/links/Link";
import { Page } from "@src/documents/pages/Page";
+ import { PredefinedPage } from "@src/documents/predefinedPages/PredefinedPage";

export const pageTreeDocumentTypes: Record<string, DocumentInterface<any, any>> = {
+ PredefinedPage


The following steps are required in the Site:

  1. Creation of the predefined pages module
  2. Adding the predefined pages to the middleware
  3. Adding the predefined page document type to the PageLink

Creation of the predefined pages module

Create the module in src/documents/predefinedPages. To do this, copy the corresponding folder from the Demo project. The following files should be copied:

  • predefinedPagePaths.ts: The paths where the predefined pages are located in the code

Adding the predefined pages to the middleware

We use a combination of a redirect and a rewrite in the middleware to ensure that a predefined page can be viewed at the expected location in the page tree.

For example, consider a Comet website that is available in English and German. For the German site, the news page should be located at However, in code, the news page is located at /app/[language]/news, resulting in To ensure that the page can be viewed at the expected location, we need the following redirect and rewrite:

  • A rewrite from /de/aktuelles to /de/news (to ensure that the page can be viewed at the expected location)
  • A redirect from /de/news to /de/aktuelles (to avoid duplicate content)

Perform the following changes in the middleware:

  1. Copy the predefined pages helper functions from the Demo project


    Support for filtering by document type in the paginatedPageTreeNodes query has been added in version 7.4.0. Make sure your project uses Comet 7.4.0 or later.

  2. Add the rewrite and redirect to the middleware:

    + import { getPredefinedPageRedirect, getPredefinedPageRewrite } from "./middleware/predefinedPages";

    export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
    /* ... */

    + const predefinedPageRedirect = await getPredefinedPageRedirect(scope, pathname);
    + if (predefinedPageRedirect) {
    + return NextResponse.redirect(new URL(predefinedPageRedirect, request.url), 307);
    + }
    + const predefinedPageRewrite = await getPredefinedPageRewrite(scope, pathname);
    + if (predefinedPageRewrite) {
    + return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL(predefinedPageRewrite, request.url));
    + }


Add the newly created document type to the PageLink component for links to work correctly:

function PageLink({ page, children, className: passedClassName, activeClassName, }: Props): JSX.Element | null {
/* ... */

if (page.documentType === "Link") {
/* ... */
} else if (page.documentType === "Page") {
/* ... */
+ } else if (page.documentType === "PredefinedPage") {
+ return (
+ <Link href={`/${page.scope.language}${page.path}`} className={className}>
+ {children}
+ </Link>
+ );

Now, all the necessary changes should have been made to the project. Add a new page tree node with the document type "Predefined Page" to test whether it works correctly in the Site.

Adding a new predefined page type

If you want to add another predefined page type (e.g., products), make the following changes:

  1. API: Add the new type to the GraphQL enum:

    export enum PredefinedPageType {
    News = "News",
    + Products = "Products",
  2. Admin: Add the new type to the labels:

    export const predefinedPageLabels: Record<GQLPredefinedPageType, ReactNode> = {
    News: <FormattedMessage id="" defaultMessage="News" />,
    + Products: <FormattedMessage id="predefinedPages.products" defaultMessage="Products" />,
  3. Site: Add the new type to the code paths:

    export const predefinedPagePaths = {
    News: "/news",
    + Products: "/products",