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Content Generation

COMET DXP supports some features for generating content with third party tools (e.g., ChatGPT).


To use any form of content generation, follow these steps:

1) API: Implement the ContentGenerationServiceInterface

export class ContentGenerationService implements ContentGenerationServiceInterface {
// ...

2) API: Add ContentGenerationModule to AppModule

Pass your implementation of ContentGenerationService:

// app.module.ts
export class AppModule {
// ...
imports: [
// ...
+ ContentGenerationModule.register({
+ Service: ContentGenerationService,
+ }),
// ...

Azure OpenAI

If you want to use Azure OpenAI for the content generation, you can use COMET's AzureOpenAiContentGenerationService. In this case, you must import and configure the AzureOpenAiContentGenerationModule:

Service: ContentGenerationService,
+ imports: [
+ AzureOpenAiContentGenerationModule.register({
+ apiUrl:,
+ apiKey:,
+ deploymentId: "gpt-4-vision-preview",
+ }),
+ ],

DAM: Generating alt texts and titles for images

To enable this feature, perform the following steps:

1) API: Add generateAltText and generateImageTitle to the ContentGenerationService

export class ContentGenerationService implements ContentGenerationServiceInterface {
async generateAltText(fileId: string, options?: { language: string }) {
// ...

async generateImageTitle(fileId: string, options?: { language: string }) {
// ...

Azure OpenAI

If you want to use Azure OpenAI for analyzing the images, you can use the AzureOpenAiContentGenerationService provided by the library:

export class ContentGenerationService implements ContentGenerationServiceInterface {
private readonly openAiContentGenerationService: AzureOpenAiContentGenerationService,
) {}

async generateAltText(fileId: string, options?: { language: string }) {
return this.openAiContentGenerationService.generateAltText(fileId, options);

async generateImageTitle(fileId: string, options?: { language: string }) {
return this.openAiContentGenerationService.generateImageTitle(fileId, options);

2) Admin: Enable the features in your DamConfigProvider:

// App.tsx
// ...
+ contentGeneration: {
+ generateAltText: true,
+ generateImageTitle: true,
+ },

SEO Block: Generating SEO tags

To enable this feature, perform the following steps:

1) API: Add generateSeoTags to the ContentGenerationService

export class ContentGenerationService implements ContentGenerationServiceInterface {
async generateSeoTags(content: string, options: { language: string }) {
// ...

Azure OpenAI

If you want to use Azure OpenAI for analyzing the images, you can use the AzureOpenAiContentGenerationService provided by the library:

export class ContentGenerationService implements ContentGenerationServiceInterface {
private readonly openAiContentGenerationService: AzureOpenAiContentGenerationService,
) {}

async generateSeoTags(content: string, options: { language: string }) {
return this.openAiContentGenerationService.generateSeoTags(content, options);

2) Admin: Wrap the SeoBlock with the ContentGenerationConfigProvider:

Via the ContentGenerationConfigProvider you can provide the content of a document to the SeoBlock. You can use the extractTextContents() method to get the content.

// e.g., EditPage.tsx

export const EditPage = ({ id }: Props) => {
// ...

return (
getRelevantContent: () => {
if (!pageState || !pageState.document) return [];

return PageContentBlock.extractTextContents?.(pageState.document.content) ?? [];
{/* ... */}