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Block Index / Dependencies

Blocks can have references to entities. But since block data is stored as JSON, there is no actual database relationship.

If you still need to know which entities a block references or in which blocks an entity is used, you can use COMET's block index.

Configuration Guide

Follow the upcoming guide if you want to

  • make the "Dependents" tab in the DAM work
  • display the dependencies or dependents of an entity somewhere in your admin app

Configuring the block index

1. API: Register fields to be added to the block index

First, you must "tell" the block index which database fields contain block data. It will scan these fields for dependency information.

To do that, you must

  • Annotate the entity with @RootBlockEntity()
  • Annotate all columns containing block data with @RootBlock(ExampleBlock)

For example:

+   @RootBlockEntity()
export class News extends BaseEntity<News, "id"> {
// ...

+ @RootBlock(DamImageBlock)
@Property({ customType: new RootBlockType(DamImageBlock) })
@Field(() => RootBlockDataScalar(DamImageBlock))
image: BlockDataInterface;

+ @RootBlock(NewsContentBlock)
@Property({ customType: new RootBlockType(NewsContentBlock) })
@Field(() => RootBlockDataScalar(NewsContentBlock))
content: BlockDataInterface;

// ...

2. Create the block index

You must then create the block index by calling npm run console createBlockIndexViews in your /api directory. This creates a materialized view called block_index_dependencies in your database.

You must recreate the block index views after

  • executing database migrations
  • executing the fixtures (because they drop the whole database and recreate it)

You can automate this process by following the steps in the migration guide. For new projects, it should already be automated.

Providing dependency information

If your block depends on certain entities, you should provide dependency information. You can do that using the indexData() method in your block data class like this:

class MyCustomBlockData extends BlockData {
// ...

indexData(): BlockIndexData {
if (this.damFileId === undefined) {
return {};

return {
dependencies: [
id: this.damFileId,

This works for all entities - not just DamFile.

Displaying dependencies in the admin interface

Next, you probably want to display the dependencies or dependents (usages) of an entity in the admin interface.

1. API: Add @EntityInfo() to entity

The @EntityInfo() decorator allows you to configure which information about an entity should be displayed in the admin interface. You can provide a name and secondaryInformation.

The decorator accepts two inputs:

GetEntityInfo method

The simple way is to provide a function returning a name and (optional) secondaryInformation based on the entity instance.

// news.entity.ts
@EntityInfo<News>((news) => ({ name: news.title, secondaryInformation: news.slug }))

If you need to load additional information from a service or repository, you can implement an EntityInfoService. In this service, you can use Nest's dependency injection.

The service must offer a getEntityInfo() method returning a name and (optional) secondaryInformation.

// file.entity.ts
// files-entity-info.service.ts
export class FilesEntityInfoService implements EntityInfoServiceInterface<FileInterface> {
@Inject(forwardRef(() => FilesService))
private readonly filesService: FilesService,
) {}

async getEntityInfo(file: FileInterface) {
return { name:, secondaryInformation: await this.filesService.getDamPath(file) };
Helper service for documents

For documents, you can simply use the PageTreeNodeDocumentEntityInfoService. It will return the PageTreeNode name and slug (as secondary information).

// page.entity.ts
export class Page extends BaseEntity<Page, "id"> implements DocumentInterface {
// ...

2. Admin: Implement the DependencyInterface

The DependencyInterface requires a translatable displayName and a resolvePath() method. resolvePath provides a URL path to the edit page of an entity or a specific block.

Example of a `resolvePath` method
// NewsDependency.tsx
export const NewsDependency: DependencyInterface = {
displayName: <FormattedMessage id="news.displayName" defaultMessage="News" />,
resolvePath: async ({ apolloClient, id, rootColumnName, jsonPath }) => {
const { data, error } = await apolloClient.query<
query: gql`
query NewsDependency($id: ID!) {
news(id: $id) {
variables: {

if (error) {
throw new Error(`News.getUrl: Could not find a News with id ${id}`);

let dependencyPath = "";
if (rootColumnName === "content") {
dependencyPath = `form/${NewsContentBlock.resolveDependencyPath(

return `/structured-content/news/${}/edit/${dependencyPath}`;

Usually, you don't have to write the resolvePath method yourself. Instead, use one of our helpers:


For most entities, you can use the createDependencyMethods helper.

The rootQueryName specifies the name of the GraphQL query used to load the entity. It should normally be the camelCase version of the entity name.

The rootBlocks specify which of the entity's fields contain block data. These should be the same fields you annotated with @RootBlock() in the API. You must also specify the used Block and - if necessary - the path under which the block is available.

The basePath option specifies the URL path to the entity's edit page.

// NewsDependency.tsx
import { createDependencyMethods } from "@comet/cms-admin";

// ...

export const NewsDependency: DependencyInterface = {
displayName: <FormattedMessage id="news.displayName" defaultMessage="News" />,
rootQueryName: "news",
rootBlocks: { content: { block: NewsContentBlock, path: "/form" }, image: DamImageBlock },
basePath: ({ id }) => `/structured-content/news/${id}/edit`,

For document types you can use the createDocumentDependencyMethods helper. It loads the document and also the PageTreeNode the document is attached to.

// Page.tsx
import { createDocumentDependencyMethods } from "@comet/cms-admin";

// ...

export const Page: DocumentInterface<Pick<GQLPage, "content" | "seo">, GQLPageInput> &
DependencyInterface = {
// ...
rootQueryName: "page",
rootBlocks: {
content: PageContentBlock,
seo: { block: SeoBlock, path: "/config" },
basePath: ({ pageTreeNode }) =>

3. Admin: Register the DependencyInterface at the DependenciesConfigProvider

The key must be the name of the GraphQL object type associated with the entity.

// App.tsx
// ...
// ...
News: NewsDependency,
// ...
// ...

Now, the DAM's "Dependents" tab should work. If that was your goal, you can stop here. Otherwise, continue following the guide.

4. API: Add field resolvers

If you want to query the dependencies or dependents of an entity, use the factories provided by the library. Only do this where it makes sense.

// news.module.ts
// ...
providers: [
// ...
export class NewsModule {}

5. Admin: Display dependencies with the DependencyList component

You can use the DependencyList component provided by @comet/cms-admin to display dependencies or dependents. The DAM uses this component in its "Dependents" tab.

The component requires two props:

  • query: A GraphQL query. It must have a dependencies or dependents field resolver.
  • variables: The variables for the query.
A usage could look like this
query DamFileDependencies(
$id: ID!
$offset: Int!
$limit: Int!
$forceRefresh: Boolean = false
) {
item: damFile(id: $id) {
dependents(offset: $offset, limit: $limit, forceRefresh: $forceRefresh) {
nodes {
id: id,